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Why Vegan Bath and Body Products?

Why Vegan and Vegan Skin Care?

I’ll start with my journey. Growing up in Pittsburgh Pa I was raised a meat and potato eater. It wasn't until I was 44 and moved to Jamaica and noticed how lean my body became, how my knees didn’t  hurt anymore and I realized it was because I was eating no red meat and very little chicken. Once I phased out the chicken it was like I became a super woman. I taught Stand up paddle board classes in the ocean 5 days a week and the most important I felt strong. Then I moved back to America where I slipped into my former ways, but what I've found in my life is that what you want wants you and here I found myself selling my skin care  products at vegan festivals. The vibe was amazing, I would always look forward to going to what I called the” love fest” They encouraged me from a non-judgemental  point of view to become vegan, having a soy allergy made it tough for me at first but now I know tons of recipes not only for food for my body but also for my skin. I’m looking forward to sharing with you. 

Reasons to have vegan bath and body Products.

Did you know that 60% of everything we put on our skin is absorbed into our bodies. Vegan ingredients have fewer potential chemical irritants. No animals are exploited, hurt or killed to make vegan bath and body products 

Good for your health, no worries about skincare induced health problems such as rashes or skin cancer. At the end of the day I personally don't want animal parts on my skin.

Here are some examples of where certain NON Vegan ingredients come from:

Uric Acid When uric acid deposits accumulate in the skin over long periods of time, they form small, rounded lumps (nodules) called tophi. These nodules vary in size, and they are yellow or cream in color. If the tophi becomes very large, they can erupt through the skin and discharge a chalky, white substance.


Typically synthetic. When extracted from animals, it is excreted from urine and other bodily fluids. In deodorants, ammoniated dentifrices, mouthwashes, hair colorings, hand creams, lotions, shampoos etc. 

Beeswax- Produced from the gland in the stomach of the bee and is excreted to create the hive itself. (commonly found in lip balms) we use Sunflower wax for our lip balms 

Lanolin-often found also in lip balms and also lotions. Lanolin is found in sheep's skin. Similar to the human sebum from the sebaceous gland= it is basically the naturally produced oil in the root of the sheep wool. In humans the gland is often found in the face,scalp and chest. At the end of the day I don’t want sheep gland oil on my lips.